Saturday, April 20, 2013

And So, I'm Off

Dear Family and Friends,

I would like to say farewell (for now), give you a quick update, and ask nothing but that you keep in touch and keep me in mind!

Over the past few months, you may have been wondering why I am standing on my head, where I am standing on my head, or when I am going to stop. Hopefully, this addresses some of your concerns.

On Monday I'll be shipping out to Thailand for 2 months. The first few days will be spent visiting my little sister, Christina, who has been riding elephants, learning Thai cooking, and riding down rivers on bamboo rafts...I mean studying the semester abroad... 

May 5, I move into an ashram, (a spiritual living quarters run by Indian gurus) located in a rural region of Chiang Mai, Thailand to immerse myself in a month of yoga and meditation. While I am confident there will be ample head-standing time, I will mostly be waking with the sun for morning meditation, studying traditional yoga philosophy, breathing, postures and lifestyle principles, through a course of personal development and habituation to spiritual consciousness

Upon graduation, I will receive an International Yoga Teaching Certification... and will be sufficiently stranger than I was upon my immediate return from Peace Corps. 

All joking aside, this stuff is really important to me. Peace Corps opened my world to the very real concept of World Peace and I am passionate about staying on this path of wellbeing for the greater good. After quitting my job as Project Coordinator at a Non Profit in NYC in December, I enrolled in an Integrative Nutrition program in January, where I am currently studying Holistic Health. Along with my side-job working after school with children with special needs, I have become so awakened to what it means to live life fully and gratefully in the present moment. 

This journey to study at the Wise Living Yoga Academy in Thailand, is the next step on my path towards better understanding how I can most purposely serve this world. 

When I return mid-June, I will have a few months to offer you all my guidance in Yoga, Meditation, and healthy living with my dual certification as a Health Coach and Yoga Instructor. In August, I am honored to have accepted a full scholarship to study at the United Nations mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica where I will receive a Masters degree in Environmental Studies after 1 year successful completion. 

I am blessed to have you all in my life and ask you all to keep in touch and keep me in mind. 

If you are interested in hearing some of my stories, I love to write on my blog:

Much love and may everyday you see some light.

May the beauty you love be what you do. There are are thousands of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. -Rumi


  1. This sounds like an amazing, enlightening experience. I look forward to hearing about it.

  2. as always... couldnt be more proud of you for pursuing your goals... to all ends of the earth! love you and you will certainly have a client at the fioretti household upon your return! =)
